今回は英語多読におすすめのMarvin Redpostの#1「Kidnapped at Birth」です。
- 英語多読を始めたばかりの人
- Marvin Redpostを読んでみたい人
- 海外駐在で英語力アップが必要な人
- TOEICのその先へ進みたい人
- 語彙を増やしたい人
- 語彙力を確認したい人
語数: 5,209
主人公のMarvin(3年生9歳)は、とある王子様が赤ちゃんの頃に行方不明になった話を耳にします。その王子の特徴が自分とぴったり!彼は王族に戻るときが来たことを今の家族に告げます。果たして真相は!?ベストセラー「Holes」の著者Louis Sacharのユーモア溢れる作品です。
英語を英語で理解する力を身につけるために、ボキャブラリーとその意味を全て英語で記載しています。意味は主にGoogle Dictionaryから引用しました。
No | Vocabulary | Meaning |
1 | neat | arranged in a tidy way.![]() |
2 | frown | form an expression of disapproval, displeasure, or concentration, typically by turning down the corners of the mouth. |
3 | cursive | written with the characters joined.![]() |
4 | recess | a break between school classes. |
5 | wall-ball | a particular ball sport in which the ball is thrown against the wall and floor. |
6 | pet | stroke or pat (an animal) affectionately. |
7 | growl | (of an animal, especially a dog) make a low guttural sound in the throat.![]() |
8 | lick | pass the tongue over (something) in order to taste, moisten, or clean it.![]() |
9 | pound | a place where stray animals, especially dogs, may be officially taken and kept until claimed by their owners.![]() |
10 | No way! | used to tell someone that something is impossible. |
11 | end up | to reach or come to a place, condition, or situation that was not planned or expected. |
12 | adopted | legally take (another’s child) and bring it up as one’s own. |
13 | garbage | rubbish or waste, especially domestic refuse. |
14 | orphanage | a residential institution for the care and education of orphans. |
15 | servant | a person who performs duties for others. |
16 | shrug | raise (one’s shoulders) slightly and momentarily to express doubt, ignorance, or indifference. |
17 | slap | hit (someone or something) with the palm of one’s hand or a flat object. |
18 | for all I knew | said when I was uncertain about something. |
19 | for all you know | said when you are uncertain about something. |
20 | mutter | say something in a low or barely audible voice, especially in dissatisfaction or irritation. |
21 | stuck out | stick out: to go past the surface or edge of something. 😛😝😜 |
22 | den | a small private room in a house. |
23 | fuss | a display of unnecessary or excessive excitement, activity, or interest. |
24 | spit | eject saliva forcibly from one’s mouth, sometimes as a gesture of contempt or anger. |
25 | spitting image | extremely similar to someone. |
26 | shove | push (someone or something) roughly. |
27 | meanest | mean: unkind, vicious or aggressive in behaviour. |
28 | dungeon | a strong underground prison cell, especially in a castle.![]() |
29 | snap | say something quickly and irritably. |
30 | swirl | move in a twisting or spiraling pattern. |
31 | haze | a slight obscuration of the lower atmosphere, typically caused by fine suspended particles.![]() |
32 | glare | stare in an angry or fierce way. |
33 | crack up | burst into laughter. |
34 | giggle | laughing lightly and repeatedly in an excited, nervous, or silly way. |
35 | allowance | a sum of money paid regularly to a person to meet needs or expenses. |
36 | sundaes | a dish of ice cream with added ingredients such as fruit, nuts, syrup, and whipped cream.![]() |
37 | Duchess | the wife or widow of a duke. |
38 | crunch | crush (a hard or brittle foodstuff) with the teeth, making a loud but muffled grinding sound. |
39 | sob | cry noisily, making loud, convulsive gasps.![]() |
40 | tremble | shake involuntarily, typically as a result of anxiety, excitement, or frailty. |
41 | nasty | very bad or unpleasant. |
42 | sticking up for | to support or defend someone or something, especially when that person or thing is being criticized. |
43 | drag | pull (someone or something) along forcefully, roughly, or with difficulty. |
44 | slip of paper | slip: a small piece of paper, typically a form for writing on or one giving printed information. |
45 | acquaintance | a person one knows slightly, but who is not a close friend. |
46 | wrinkle | a slight line or fold in something, especially fabric or the skin of the face. |
47 | wrinkled one’s nose | an indication of disapproval, disgust, or disagreement. ex) She wrinkled her nose. |
48 | blush | show shyness, embarrassment, or shame by becoming red in the face. |
使用画像: Google Dictionary and https://unsplash.com/
You should have called.
「(過去に)callすべきだった(でしょ)」というニュアンスです。発音は”shudavu”です。could have, would haveも合わせて押さえておきましょう。職場でもよく使います。
You could have been kidnapped.
I just made that up.
The odds are one in a million.
a person or thing that is very unusual, special, or admired.「滅多に無いことだよ」というニュアンスで使えます。
He tapped the red post as he walked through the gate.
今回はMarvin RedpostのBook 1「Kidnapped at Birth」の紹介でした。
Marvin Redpostは私が読んだ児童書の中で最も易しい英語で書かれた児童書でした。もしここで紹介したボキャブラリーが難しいと感じた場合は、Graded ReadersのLevel 1~Level 3をおすすめします。
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Veil Spaß!