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2020/06/8 動物12、虫3追加。動物、鳥、海洋生物、爬虫類・両生類、虫に分割。

※各生物の説明文はGoogle Dictionaryを参照しています。



1rhinocerosa large, heavily built plant-eating mammal with one or two horns on the nose and thick folded skin, native to Africa and southern Asia.
2moose/muːs/ a large deer with palmate antlers and a growth of skin hanging from the neck, native to northern Eurasia and northern North America.
3guinea pig/ˈɡɪni pɪɡ/ a tailless South American rodent of the cavy family.
4molea small burrowing mammal with dark velvety fur, a long muzzle, and very small eyes, feeding mainly on worms, grubs, and other invertebrates.
5porcupinea large rodent with defensive spines or quills on the body and tail.
7sloth/sləʊθ/ a slow-moving tropical American mammal that hangs upside down from the branches of trees using its long limbs and hooked claws.
13opossumsan American marsupial which has a naked prehensile tail and hind feet with an opposable thumb.
14dingoa wild or half-domesticated dog with a sandy-coloured coat, found in Australia.
19langura long-tailed arboreal Asian monkey with a characteristic loud call.
20elkanother term for moose.
21mustangan American feral horse which is typically small and lightly built.
22marethe female of a horse or other equine animal.
23colta young uncastrated male horse, in particular one less than four years old.
24coyote/kɔɪˈəʊti,kʌɪˈəʊti/ a wild dog that resembles the wolf, native to North America.
25giraffe/dʒɪˈrɑːf,dʒɪˈraf/ a large African mammal with a very long neck and forelegs.
26zebra/ˈzɛbrə,ˈziːbrə/ an African wild horse with black-and-white stripes and an erect mane.
27gazellea small, slender antelope that typically has curved horns and a fawn-coloured coat with white underparts.
28wildebeest/ˈwɪldəbiːst,ˈvɪldəbiːst/ another term for gnu.
30lionessa female lion.
31cubthe young of a fox, bear, lion, or other carnivorous mammal.
33cariboua large North American reindeer.
34reindeera deer of the tundra and subarctic regions of Eurasia and North America.
35oxa domesticated bovine animal kept for milk or meat; a cow or bull.
Plural: oxen
36goata hardy domesticated ruminant mammal that has backward-curving horns and (in the male) a beard.
37terriera small dog of a breed originally used for turning out foxes and other burrowing animals from their earths.
38hedgehoga small nocturnal Old World mammal with a spiny coat and short legs, able to roll itself into a ball for defence.

39pangolinan African and Asian mammal that has a body covered with horny overlapping scales, a small head with an elongated snout, a long sticky tongue for catching ants and termites, and a tapering tail.
40ocelota medium-sized wild cat that has an orange-yellow coat marked with black stripes and spots, native to South and Central America.
41fawn/fɔːn/ a young deer in its first year.
42raccoona greyish-brown American mammal that has a foxlike face with a black mask and a ringed tail.

1kookaburraa very large Australasian kingfisher that feeds on terrestrial prey such as reptiles and birds.
2woodpeckera bird with a strong bill and a stiff tail, which climbs tree trunks to find insects and drums on dead wood to mark territory.
3peacocka male peafowl, which has very long tail feathers that have eye-like markings and can be erected and fanned out in display.
4vulturea large bird of prey with the head and neck more or less bare of feathers, feeding chiefly on carrion and reputed to gather with others in anticipation of the death of a sick or injured animal or person.
5sea gulla popular name for a gull.
6toucan/ˈtuːk(ə)n/ a tropical American fruit-eating bird with a massive bill and typically brightly coloured plumage.
7mockingbirda long-tailed songbird with greyish plumage, found mainly in tropical America and noted for its mimicry of the calls and songs of other birds.
8dove/dʌv/ a stocky bird with a small head, short legs, and a cooing voice, feeding on seeds or fruit. Doves are generally smaller and more delicate than pigeons, but many kinds have been given both names.
9robina small Old World thrush related to the chats, typically having a brown back with red on the breast or other colourful markings.
10wrena small short-winged songbird found chiefly in the New World.
11peregrinea powerful falcon found on most continents, breeding chiefly on mountains and coastal cliffs and much used for falconry.
12goslinga young goose.


1hermit craba crab with a soft asymmetrical abdomen, which lives in a cast-off mollusc shell for protection.
2seala fish-eating aquatic mammal with a streamlined body and feet developed as flippers.
3humpbacka baleen whale which has a hump (instead of a dorsal fin) and long white flippers.
4orcaa killer whale.
5narwhala small Arctic whale, the male of which has a long forward-pointing spirally twisted tusk developed from one of its teeth.
6walrusa large gregarious marine mammal related to the eared seals, having two large downward-pointing tusks and found in the Arctic Ocean.


1toada tailless amphibian with a short stout body and short legs, typically having dry warty skin that can exude poison.
2boa constrictora large snake, typically with bold markings, that kills by coiling around its prey and asphyxiating it, native to tropical America.
3tadpolea tailless amphibian with a short stout body and short legs, typically having dry warty skin that can exude poison.
4reptilea vertebrate animal of a class that includes snakes, lizards, crocodiles, turtles, and tortoises.
5newta small slender-bodied amphibian with lungs and a well-developed tail.
6pythona family of nonvenomous snakes found in Africa, Asia, and Australia.


1cricketan insect related to the grasshoppers but with shorter legs. The male produces a characteristic musical chirping sound.
2fireflya soft-bodied beetle related to the glow-worm, the winged male and flightless female of which both have luminescent organs. 
3gnat/nat/ a small two-winged fly that resembles a mosquito.
4centipedea predatory myriapod invertebrate with a flattened elongated body composed of many segments.
5termitea small, pale soft-bodied insect that lives in large colonies with several different castes, typically within a mound of cemented earth.
6waspa social winged insect which has a narrow waist and a sting and is typically yellow with black stripes.
7katydid/ˈkeɪtɪdɪd/ a large, typically green, bush cricket that is native to North America. The male makes a characteristic sound which resembles the name.


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