今回は英語多読におすすめのJudy MoodyのBook 1です。
- 英語多読を始めたばかりの人
- Judy Moodyの語彙レベルが知りたい人
- Harry Potterを原書で読みたい人
- 海外駐在で英語力アップが必要な人
- TOEICのその先へ進みたい人
- 語彙を増やしたい人
- 語彙力を確認したい人
語数: 11,083
主人公はアメリカの小学3年生の女の子Judy Moodyです。
良いムードや悪いムード、Judyには色んなムードがあります。国際的にベストセラーとなったシリーズです。そのBook 1では、Judyは新学年になって最初のプロジェクト「Me Collage」を全てのムードを忘れてしまうくらい楽しみます!
本ブログを運営するKinoko Marketでは、この課題を解決し、よりより多読ライフが送れるように、英語多読用Webサービス「たどろぐ」を立ち上げました。
今回のブログで紹介するJudy Moody Book1のボキャブラリーも収録済みですので、ご興味のある方は下記よりデモをお試しください!
この作品(Judy Moody Was In the Mood)からボキャブラリーをリストアップ!厳選しましたが112個もありました。
英語を英語で理解する力を身につけるため、ボキャブラリーとその意味を全て英語で記載しています。意味は主にGoogle Dictionaryから引用しました。
No | Vocabulary | Meaning |
1 | grouchy | irritable and bad-tempered; grumpy; complaining.![]() |
2 | slunk | past and past participle of slink. |
3 | slink | move smoothly and quietly with gliding steps, in a stealthy or sensuous manner. Similar: creep, sneak |
4 | roar | a full, deep, prolonged cry uttered by a lion or other large wild animal.![]() |
5 | get used to something | become accustomed to it. |
6 | porcupine | a large rodent with defensive spines or quills on the body and tail.![]() |
7 | poke | jab or prod (someone or something) with one’s finger or a sharp object. Similar: prod, jab, shove, etc |
8 | Pocahontas | A Native American woman notable for her association with the colonial settlement at Jamestown, Virginia. |
9 | glare | stare in an angry or fierce way. |
10 | sunny-side-up eggs | An egg cooked “sunny-side up” means that it is fried just on one side and never flipped. ![]() |
11 | squishy | soft and moist. |
12 | wobbly | tending to move unsteadily from side to side. |
13 | Loch Ness Monster | Nessie🦕 Loch: lake |
14 | toad | a tailless amphibian with a short stout body and short legs, typically having dry warty skin that can exude poison.![]() |
15 | crack up | [Informal] burst into laughter. |
16 | cubby | a cubbyhole. |
17 | cubbyhole | a small enclosed space or room. |
18 | maypole | a painted pole, decorated with flowers, round which people traditionally dance on May Day, holding long ribbons that are attached to the top of the pole.![]() |
19 | collage | /ˈkɒlɑːʒ,kəˈlɑːʒ/ a piece of art made by sticking various different materials such as photographs and pieces of paper or fabric on to a backing.![]() |
20 | squinch | tense up the muscles of (one’s eyes or face). |
21 | flash | display (information or an image) suddenly on a television or computer screen or electronic sign, typically briefly or repeatedly. |
22 | gnat | /nat/ a small two-winged fly that resembles a mosquito.![]() |
23 | snort | make a sudden explosive sound through one’s nose, especially to express indignation or derision.![]() |
24 | buzz | be full of excitement or activity. |
25 | teeny-weeny | [Informal] very tiny. |
26 | miniature | /ˈmɪnɪtʃə/ very small of its kind. |
27 | handful | a quantity that fills the hand.![]() |
28 | scab | a dry, rough protective crust that forms over a cut or wound during healing. |
29 | toothpick | a short pointed piece of wood or plastic used for removing bits of food lodged between the teeth.![]() |
30 | dangle | hang or swing loosely.![]() |
31 | scrunch | crush or squeeze (something) into a compact mass. |
32 | pebble | a small stone made smooth and round by the action of water or sand.![]() |
33 | charcoal | a porous black solid, consisting of an amorphous form of carbon, obtained as a residue when wood, bone, or other organic matter is heated in the absence of air.![]() |
34 | clobber | hit (someone) hard. |
35 | lump | a compact mass of a substance, especially one without a definite or regular shape. |
36 | bit | a small piece, part, or quantity of something. |
37 | jangle | make or cause to make a ringing metallic sound. |
38 | purr | /pəː/ (of a cat) make a low continuous vibratory sound expressing contentment.![]() |
39 | sloth | /sləʊθ/ a slow-moving tropical American mammal that hangs upside down from the branches of trees using its long limbs and hooked claws.![]() |
40 | hermit crab | a crab with a soft asymmetrical abdomen, which lives in a cast-off mollusc shell for protection.![]() |
41 | fresh out (of something) | Having no stock of a certain item or product because the last one has just been sold or used |
42 | squeaky toy | a soft, hollow toy made from flexible materials such as rubber or vinyl, and usually equipped with a small device known as a squeaker.![]() |
43 | flytrap | ![]() |
44 | dime | /dʌɪm/ a ten-cent coin. |
45 | frown | /fraʊn/ furrow one’s brows in an expression indicating disapproval, displeasure, or concentration. |
46 | budge | change an opinion. |
47 | hunk | a large piece of something, especially food, cut or broken off a larger piece. |
48 | ooze | /uːz/ (of a fluid) slowly trickle or seep out of something. |
49 | droop | bend or hang downwards limply.![]() |
50 | sneaked a peek at | an opportunity to see something before it is officially available |
51 | Share and Tell/show-and-tell | a school activity for young children in which a child brings an object into the class and talks to the other children about it. |
52 | sniff | draw up air audibly through the nose to detect a smell, to stop it running, or to express contempt.![]() |
53 | stunk | stink: have a strong unpleasant smell. |
54 | none of your beeswax | to say that you don’t want someone to know about your private life. Same as “none of your business” |
55 | a glob of | a lump of a semi-liquid substance. |
56 | paw | /pɔː/ (of an animal) feel or scrape with a paw or hoof.![]() |
57 | stroke | move one’s hand with gentle pressure over (a surface), typically repeatedly.![]() |
58 | sling | a bandage or soft strap looped round the neck to support an injured arm. |
59 | stethoscope | /ˈstɛθəskəʊp/ a medical instrument for listening to the action of someone’s heart or breathing.![]() |
60 | slosh | (of liquid in a container) move irregularly with a splashing sound. |
61 | moan | /məʊn/ make a long, low sound. |
62 | bunk | a narrow shelf-like bed, typically one of two or more arranged one on top of the other.![]() |
63 | canopy | an ornamental cloth covering hung or held up over something, especially a throne or bed.![]() |
64 | blob | a drop of a thick liquid or viscous substance. |
65 | glitter | shine with a bright, shimmering reflected light.![]() |
66 | glue | an adhesive substance used for sticking objects or materials together.![]() |
67 | freak | a person, animal, or plant with an unusual physical abnormality. |
68 | encyclopedia | a book or set of books giving information on many subjects or on many aspects of one subject and typically arranged alphabetically.![]() |
69 | spooky | /ˈspuːki/ sinister or ghostly in a way that causes fear and unease.![]() |
70 | boa constrictor | a large snake, typically with bold markings, that kills by coiling around its prey and asphyxiating it, native to tropical America.![]() |
71 | oodles | /ˈuːd(ə)lz/ [Informal] a very great number or amount of something. |
72 | puddle | a small pool of liquid, especially of rainwater on the ground.![]() |
73 | bumpy | (of a surface) uneven, with many patches raised above the rest.![]() |
74 | pee | urinate. discharge urine. pass water.![]() |
75 | stinging | having a sting. |
76 | wart | /wɔːt/ a small, hard, benign growth on the skin, caused by a virus. |
77 | doomsday | the last day of the world’s existence. |
78 | tadpole | the tailed aquatic larva of an amphibian (frog, toad, newt, or salamander), breathing through gills and lacking legs until the later stages of its development.![]() |
79 | perk | become or make more cheerful, lively, or interesting. |
80 | reptile | /ˈrɛptʌɪl/ a vertebrate animal of a class that includes snakes, lizards, crocodiles, turtles, and tortoises. ![]() |
81 | disgusting | arousing revulsion or strong indignation.![]() |
82 | slump | sit, lean, or fall heavily and limply. |
83 | hurl | /həːl/ throw or impel (someone or something) with great force.![]() |
84 | icing | a mixture of sugar with water, egg white, or butter, used as a coating for cakes or biscuits.![]() |
85 | soak | (of a liquid) cause (something or someone) to become extremely wet. |
86 | blur | /bləː/ make or become unclear or less distinct.![]() |
87 | amethyst | a precious stone consisting of a violet or purple variety of quartz.![]() |
88 | jade stone | a hard, typically green stone used for ornaments.![]() |
89 | amber | hard translucent fossilized resin originating from extinct coniferous trees of the Tertiary period, typically yellowish in colour.![]() |
90 | stink up something | to make something or some place smell very bad. |
91 | for a dare | to show courage. |
92 | chaperone | /ˈʃapərəʊn/ a person who accompanies and looks after another person or group of people. |
93 | rub elbows with | to meet and talk with (someone) in a friendly way. |
94 | waddle | walk with short steps and a clumsy swaying motion.![]() |
95 | ducky | [North American] charming; delightful. |
96 | squirt | cause (a liquid) to be ejected from a small opening in a thin, fast stream or jet. |
97 | grunt | (of an animal, especially a pig) make a low, short guttural sound. |
98 | leftover | something, especially food, remaining after the rest has been used. |
99 | play money | fake money used as toy currency. |
100 | clump | a small group of trees or plants growing closely together. |
101 | gutter | a shallow trough fixed beneath the edge of a roof for carrying off rainwater.![]() |
102 | perch | set or balance someone or something on. |
103 | startle | cause to feel sudden shock or alarm. Similar: surprise |
104 | crumpled | crushed to form creases and wrinkles.![]() |
105 | smack dab | exactly; precisely. |
106 | wreck | cause the destruction of (a ship) by sinking or breaking up.![]() |
107 | cuckoo | [Informal] a mad person. |
108 | blister | a small bubble on the skin filled with serum and caused by friction, burning, or other damage. |
109 | hangnail | a piece of torn skin at the root of a fingernail. |
110 | scoop | a quantity taken up by a scoop.![]() |
111 | crinkle | form into small surface creases or wrinkles. |
112 | newt | a small slender-bodied amphibian with lungs and a well-developed tail, typically spending its adult life on land and returning to water to breed.![]() |
使用画像: Google Dictionary and https://unsplash.com/
・She just happened to be looking at a tadpole kit.
to do or be something by chance. 「たまたま~していた」というニュアンスです。
・Open Sesame!
「ひらけごま!」です。Arabian NightsのALI BABAの話やMagic Tree Houseに出てきます。
今回はJudy Moody was in a moodを紹介しました。
もし語彙が難しいと感じた場合は、もう少し易しいA to Z MysteriesやMarvin Redpost、Magic Tree Houseをおすすめします。
A to Z Mysteriesは、AからZまでの26冊からなるシリーズ物で3人の小学生がさまざまな事件を解決します。
Marvin Redpostは、ベストセラー「Holes」の著者Louis Sacharのユーモア溢れる作品で全8冊(総語数51,063)です。
Magic Tree Houseは、小学生の兄Jack(8歳)と妹Annie(7歳)が魔法のツリーハウスから様々な時代や場所へ移動し冒険する物語です。


Veil Spaß!