英単語まとめ: 「歩く」編
No 1. waddle
walk with short steps and a clumsy swaying motion.
The dinosaur waddle after her.
Magic Tree House Book 1

No 3. hobble
walk in an awkward way, typically because of pain from an injury.
Jack threw his sneakers into his backpack and hobbled after Annie.
Magic Tree HouseBook 10
No 3. limp
walk with difficulty, typically because of a damaged or stiff leg or foot.
She pointed to a man limping toward them and waiving his arms.
Magic Tree HouseBook 21
No 4. lope
walk or run with a long bounding stride.
Then he loped toward the cashier’s window, reaching into his back pocket for his wallet.
A to Z Mysteries: The Ninth Nugget
No 5. stomp
tread heavily and noisily, typically in order to show anger.
Jud stomped back to the car and flung himself into the driver’s seat.
A to Z Mysteries: The Ninth Nugget
No 6. stride
walk with long, decisive steps in a specified direction.
A stout woman wearing a backwards baseball cap strode onto the porch.
A to Z Mysteries: The Ninth Nugget
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