【英語多読】A to Z Mysteries: The Absent Authorから学ぶボキャブラリー




今回は英語多読におすすめのA to Z Mysteriesの「The Absent Author」です。



  • 英語多読を始めたばかりの人
  • A to Z Mysteriesの語彙レベルが知りたい人
  • Harry Potterを原書で読みたい人
  • 海外駐在で英語力アップが必要な人
  • TOEICのその先へ進みたい人
  • 語彙を増やしたい人
  • 語彙力を確認したい人




語数: 8,517

A to Z MysteriesはAからZまでの26冊からなるシリーズもので、累計800万部以上発行されています。本作は1冊目のAです。

AはAuthorのA。有名な児童書作家がGreen Lawnにやって来ます!Dinkは大好きな作家Wallis Wallaceに会いに本屋へ急ぎます。しかしWallisは現れません!いったい何処へ?Dinkとその友達JoshとRuth Roseが謎に迫ります。



英語を英語で理解する力を身につけるため、ボキャブラリーとその意味を全て英語で記載しています。意味は主にGoogle Dictionaryから引用しました。

1gulpswallow (drink or food) quickly or in large mouthfuls, often audibly.
2grinsmile broadly.
Emoji: 😁
3mischievous/ˈmɪstʃɪvəs/ causing or showing a fondness for causing trouble in a playful way.
4guinea pig/ˈɡɪni pɪɡ/ a tailless South American rodent of the cavy family.

5tuckpush, fold, or turn (the edges or ends of something, especially a garment or bedclothes) so as to hide or secure them.
6yankpull with a jerk.
7dinky[North American] disappointingly small; insignificant.
8dope[Informal] a stupid person.
9neatarranged in a tidy way; in good order.
10Yikes!/jʌɪks/ expressing shock and alarm, often for humorous effect.
11slungsling: suspend or arrange (something), especially with a strap or straps, so that it hangs loosely in a particular position.
12plopfall or cause to fall with a plop.
plop: a short sound as of a small, solid object dropping into water without a splash.
13grownupan adult.
14autographwrite one’s signature on (something); sign.
15dampslightly wet.
16restlessunable to rest or relax as a result of anxiety or boredom.
17wobblemove or cause to move unsteadily from side to side.
18grumblecomplain about something in a bad-tempered way.
19groanmake a deep inarticulate sound conveying pain, despair, pleasure, etc.
20scrapedrag or pull a hard or sharp implement across (a surface or object) so as to remove dirt or other matter.
21stunastonish or shock (someone) so that they are temporarily unable to react.
Emoji: 😮
22mumblesay something indistinctly and quietly, making it difficult for others to hear.
23thrustpush suddenly or violently in a specified direction.
24shriekutter a high-pitched piercing sound or words, especially as an expression of terror, pain, or excitement.
25buna hairstyle in which the hair is drawn back into a tight coil at the back of the head.
26perchset or balance someone or something on.
Similar: put, place, set
27tremblyshaking or quivering involuntarily.
28gaspcatch one’s breath with an open mouth, owing to pain or astonishment.
Emoji: 😱
29blushedshow shyness, embarrassment, or shame by becoming red in the face.
Emoji: 😳
30peculiardifferent to what is normal or expected; strange.
31wind up/wʌɪnd/ [informal] arrive or end up in a specified state, situation, or place.
32ransoma sum of money demanded or paid for the release of a captive.
33spunpast of spin
spin: turn or cause to turn or whirl round quickly.
34accomplicea person who helps another commit a crime.
35wigglemove or cause to move up and down or from side to side with small rapid movements.
36rationalbased on or in accordance with reason or logic.
Similar: logical
37shoomake (a person or animal) go away by waving one’s arms at them, saying ‘shoo’, or otherwise acting in a discouraging manner.
38scurry(of a person or small animal) move hurriedly with short quick steps.
39smearcoat or mark (something) messily or carelessly with a greasy or sticky substance.
Similar: smudge, stain
40crunchcrush (a hard or brittle foodstuff) with the teeth, making a loud but muffled grinding sound.
41sweating bucketssweating excessively, either from physical movement or nervousness.
42merrycheerful and lively.
43cutie piea person who is sweet, cute, adorable or charming.
44squintlook at someone or something with one or both eyes partly closed in an attempt to see more clearly or as a reaction to strong light.
45ooze/uːz/ (of a fluid) slowly trickle or seep out of something.
Similar: seep, trickle
46spotsee, notice, or recognize (someone or something)
47trot(of a person) run at a moderate pace with short steps.
48spooky[North American] nervous
50scoot[Informal] go or leave somewhere quickly.
51droopyhanging down limply; drooping.
52centipede/ˈsɛntɪpiːd/ Janapese name is “Mukade”.
a predatory myriapod invertebrate with a flattened elongated body composed of many segments. 
53twitcha quick, jerky movement of the body or of some part of it.
54peeka quick or furtive look.
55smudgecause (something) to become messily smeared by rubbing it.
Similar: smear
56shovepush (someone or something) roughly.
57muttersay something in a low or barely audible voice, especially in dissatisfaction or irritation.
58scribble/ˈskrɪb(ə)l/ write or draw (something) carelessly or hurriedly.
59devour/dɪˈvaʊə/ eat (food or prey) hungrily or quickly.
60have a fit[Informal] be very shocked or angry.
61imitatecopy or simulate.
62stroller[North American] a chair on wheels, typically folding, in which a baby or young child can be pushed along; a pushchair.
64peer[verb] look with difficulty or concentration at someone or something.
65nibbletake small bites out of.
66bugannoy or bother (someone).
67muncheat (something) steadily and often audibly.
68yowl/jaʊl/ a loud wailing cry, especially one of pain or distress.
69blotdry (a wet surface or substance) using an absorbent material.
70timidlyin a manner that shows a lack of courage or confidence.
71fishy[Informal] arousing feelings of doubt or suspicion.
72troop(of a group of people) come or go together or in large numbers.
73jiggle/ˈdʒɪɡ(ə)l/ shake (something) lightly up and down or from side to side.
74muffled(of a sound) not loud because of being obstructed in some way; muted.
75drapearrange (cloth or clothing) loosely or casually on or round something.
76moose/muːs/ a large deer with palmate antlers and a growth of skin hanging from the neck, native to northern Eurasia and northern North America.
77barrette/baˈrɛt/ a typically bar-shaped clip or ornament for the hair; a hairslide.
78timidshowing a lack of courage or confidence; easily frightened.
79fuddy-duddy[Informal] a person who is very old-fashioned and pompous.
80nutty[Informal] mad.
81lobster pota trap used for catching lobsters.
82clam upto refuse to talk or reply.

使用画像: Google Dictionary and https://unsplash.com/



・Who might you be?
Who are you?ではなくこの表現が使われました。

・What are you up to these days?

・Something is bugging me.
「何かが引っかかる」というニュアンスのシーンで使われます。bugは動詞で「悩ませる ~を」という意味があります。

「(あなたが知っている)例のあれ!」というニュアンスで明言を避けるときに使われます。ハリーポッターでは、人々はLord Voldemortのことを「you-know-who」と言っています。怖くて名前が言えないからです。

今回はA to Z Mysteriesの「The Absent Author」を紹介しました。

A to Z Mysteries: The Absent Author (English Edition)

もし語彙が難しいと感じた場合は、もう少し易しいMarvin RedpostやMagic Tree House、Graded Readersをおすすめします。

Marvin Redpost: ベストセラー「Holes」の著者Louis Sacharのユーモア溢れる作品で全8冊(総語数51,063)です。

Magic Tree House: 小学生の兄Jackと妹Annieが魔法のツリーハウスから様々な時代や場所へ移動し冒険する物語です。

Graded Readers: 英語学習者用に書かれた立派な洋書です!Cambridge English Readers Level 1のおすすめはこちらのブログにまとめています。


Veil Spaß!
