今回は英語多読におすすめのMagic Tree House Book 1の「Dinosaurs Before Dark」です。
- 英語多読を始めたばかりの人
- Magic Tree Houseの語彙レベルが知りたい人
- Harry Potterを原書で読みたい人
- 海外駐在で英語力アップが必要な人
- TOEICのその先へ進みたい人
- 語彙を増やしたい人
- 語彙力を確認したい人
語数: 4,750
このBook 1はMagic Tree Houseシリーズの中で最も売れた本です。
※本ブログで紹介するボキャブラリーは、弊社Kinoko Marketが提供するWebサービス「たどろぐ」の語彙トレでもチェックできます👇
英語を英語で理解する力を身につけるため、ボキャブラリーとその意味を全て英語で記載しています。意味は主にGoogle Dictionaryから引用しました。
No | Vocabulary | Meaning |
1 | groan | make a deep inarticulate sound conveying pain, despair, pleasure, etc. Emoji: 😩 |
2 | tuck | put or keep (something) in a specified place so as to be hidden, secure, comfortable, or tidy. |
3 | teeny | tiny. |
4 | poke | thrust (something, such as one’s head) in a particular direction. |
5 | grip | take and keep a firm hold of; grasp tightly.![]() |
6 | peer | look with difficulty or concentration at someone or something. |
7 | porch | a covered shelter projecting in front of the entrance of a building.![]() |
8 | crest | a comb or tuft of feathers, fur, or skin on the head of a bird or other animal. |
9 | swoop | (especially of a bird) move rapidly downwards through the air.![]() |
10 | crouch | adopt a position where the knees are bent and the upper body is brought forward and down, typically in order to avoid detection or to defend oneself. |
11 | slant | slope or lean in a particular direction. |
12 | fern | a flowerless plant which has feathery or leafy fronds and reproduces by spores released from the undersides of the fronds. ![]() |
13 | winding | /ˈwʌɪndɪŋ/ a twisting movement or course.![]() |
14 | glide | /ɡlʌɪd/ move with a smooth, quiet continuous motion.![]() |
15 | gasp | catch one’s breath with an open mouth, owing to pain or astonishment. Emoji: 😱 |
16 | snort | make a sudden explosive sound through one’s nose, especially to express indignation or derision.![]() |
17 | fuzz | a frizzy mass of hair or fibre. |
18 | mutant | a mutant form.![]() |
19 | tilt | move or cause to move into a sloping position. |
20 | scramble | make one’s way quickly or awkwardly up a steep gradient or over rough ground by using one’s hands as well as one’s feet. |
21 | tumble | fall suddenly, clumsily, or headlong. |
22 | panting | breathing with short, quick breaths; out of breath. |
23 | rhinoceros | /rʌɪˈnɒs(ə)rəs/ a large, heavily built plant-eating mammal with one or two horns on the nose and thick folded skin.![]() |
24 | shove | push (someone or something) roughly. |
25 | slung | sling: carry (something, especially a garment) loosely. |
26 | peek out | to look outward from behind someone or something.![]() |
27 | magnolia | a tree or shrub with large, typically creamy-pink or -white, waxy flowers.![]() |
28 | nudge | prod (someone) gently with one’s elbow in order to attract attention. |
29 | lope | walk or run with a long bounding stride. |
30 | grunt | (of an animal, especially a pig) make a low, short guttural sound. (of a person) make a low inarticulate sound, typically to express effort or indicate assent. |
31 | glittering | shining with a shimmering or sparkling light.![]() |
32 | medallion | a piece of jewellery in the shape of a medal, worn as a pendant. |
33 | shriek | utter a high-pitched piercing sound or words, especially as an expression of terror, pain, or excitement. |
34 | bellow | /ˈbɛləʊ/ (of a person or animal) emit a deep loud roar, typically in pain or anger. |
35 | tuba | /ˈtjuːbə/ a large brass wind instrument of bass pitch, with three to six valves and a broad bell typically facing upwards.![]() |
36 | gigantic | /dʒʌɪˈɡantɪk/ of very great size or extent; huge or enormous. |
37 | waddle | walk with short steps and a clumsy swaying motion.![]() |
38 | dangle | hang or swing loosely.![]() |
39 | gleaming | (of a smooth surface) reflecting light, typically because very clean or polished.![]() |
40 | duck | lower the head or the body quickly to avoid a blow or missile or so as not to be seen. |
41 | stampede | a sudden panicked rush of a number of horses, cattle, or other animals.![]() |
42 | roar | (of a lion or other large wild animal) utter a full, deep, prolonged cry.![]() |
43 | teeter | move or balance unsteadily; sway back and forth. |
44 | chomp | munch or chew noisily or vigorously. |
45 | grazing | grassland suitable for pasturage.![]() |
46 | whoop | a loud cry of joy or excitement. |
47 | wobbly | tending to move unsteadily from side to side. |
48 | dizzy | having or involving a sensation of spinning around and losing one’s balance.![]() |
49 | bolt | (of a person) move or run away suddenly in an attempt to escape . = dash. |
50 | dazed | unable to think or react properly; bewildered. |
51 | shrug | raise (one’s shoulders) slightly and momentarily to express doubt, ignorance, or indifference. |
52 | clasp | grasp (something) tightly with one’s hand. |
53 | tingle | experience or cause to experience a slight prickling or stinging sensation. |
使用画像: Google Dictionary and https://unsplash.com/
・That must be the highest tree house in the world.
主語 + 最上級 + in the worldは強調表現としてよく使われます。例えば、I’m not the politest person in the world but …といった具合です。
・Are you nuts?
・Is she nuts?
・You’re nuts.
nutは「a crazy or eccentric person」の意味で使われています。
・Jack pushed his glasses into places.
今回はMagic Tree HouseのBook 1「Dinosaurs Before Dark」を紹介しました。
もし語彙が難しいと感じた場合は、もう少し易しいMarvin RedpostやGraded Readersをおすすめします。
Marvin Redpostはベストセラー「Holes」の著者Louis Sacharのユーモア溢れる作品で全8冊(総語数51,063)です。
Graded ReadersのCambridge English Readers Level 1のおすすめはこのブログにまとめています。


Veil Spaß!