今回は「鬼滅の刃」の英語版1巻「Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, Vol. 1: Cruelty」です。
- 鬼滅の刃の英語版を多読に取り入れたい人
- 海外駐在で英語力アップが必要な人
- TOEICのその先へ進みたい人
- 語彙を増やしたい人
- 語彙力を確認したい人
語数: 約4,546 (第1話の1ページ平均語数×有効ページ数で算出)
Thanks for fixing my shoji door the other day!

The other dayは「ある日さー(いつだったか)、◯◯したんだよ、でね…」など、会話の出だしとしても使えます。

The other day, I’ve been to a book store and…

Wow, it’s crazy, pal.
Because Demon Slayers cut them down. Have for ages…

「for ages」はハリポタのRonもよく使う表現で、「長い間」という意味です。
「for a long time」に飽きたらこの表現を使ってみてください。
私のオーストラリア人同僚に対して使ったら「It’s a good English expression!」と言ってました。

I’ve known that for ages, friend!

Ishould have skeweredyou both!

should + have + 過去完了形で「~すべきだった」というニュアンスです。

I should’ve done that…

He should have not bought it.
would + have + 過去完了形の「Woudav」
could + have + 過去完了形の「 Coudav」

I would’ve had the same mistake if I didn’t know that.

You could’ve been a millionaire if I said that.
英語を英語で理解する力を身につけるため、ボキャブラリーとその意味を全て英語で記載しています。意味は主にGoogle Dictionaryから引用しました。
No | Vocabulary | Meaning |
1 | pitch black | completely dark. |
2 | feast | a large meal, typically a celebratory one.![]() |
3 | charcoal | a porous black solid, consisting of an amorphous form of carbon, obtained as a residue when wood, bone, or other organic matter is heated in the absence of air.![]() |
4 | commotion | a state of confused and noisy disturbance. |
5 | cling | hold on tightly to.![]() |
6 | sniff | draw up air audibly through the nose to detect a smell, to stop it running, or to express contempt.![]() |
7 | bundle | a collection of things or quantity of material tied or wrapped up together.![]() |
8 | roam | move about or travel aimlessly or unsystematically, especially over a wide area.![]() |
9 | slayer | someone who kills a person or animal in a violent way. |
10 | hibernate | /ˈhʌɪbəneɪt/ (of an animal or plant) spend the winter in a dormant state. |
11 | scent | a distinctive smell, especially one that is pleasant.![]() |
12 | bow | /baʊ/ bend the head or upper part of the body as a sign of respect, greeting, or shame. |
13 | pitifully | in a manner that deserves or arouses pity. pity: the feeling of sorrow and compassion caused by the sufferings and misfortunes of others. |
14 | whining | the making of a long, high-pitched cry or sound.![]() |
15 | beg | ask someone earnestly or humbly for something.![]() |
16 | hatchet | a small axe with a short handle for use in one hand.![]() |
17 | skewer | /ˈskjuːə/ fasten together or pierce with a pin or skewer.![]() |
18 | unwavering | steady |
19 | limb | an arm or leg of a person or four-legged animal |
20 | give no quarter | not show any pity. |
21 | straw | /strɔː/ dried stalks of grain, used especially as fodder or as material for thatching, packing, or weaving.![]() |
22 | bamboo | a giant woody grass which is grown chiefly in the tropics.![]() |
23 | stubborn | /ˈstʌbən/ having or showing dogged determination not to change one’s attitude or position on something.![]() |
24 | dig | break up and move earth with a tool or machine, or with hands, paws, snout, etc. |
25 | mole | a small burrowing mammal with dark velvety fur, a long muzzle, and very small eyes, feeding mainly on worms, grubs, and other invertebrates.![]() |
26 | scrunch | become crushed or squeezed into a compact mass. |
27 | rip | tear or pull (something) quickly or forcibly away from something or someone. |
28 | tangle | twist together into a confused mass.![]() |
29 | slaughter | kill (people or animals) in a cruel or violent way |
30 | riddle | a question or statement intentionally phrased so as to require ingenuity in ascertaining its answer or meaning. |
31 | stab | thrust a knife or other pointed weapon into (someone) so as to wound or kill.![]() |
32 | slit | make a long, narrow cut in. |
33 | belly | the front part of the human trunk below the ribs, containing the stomach and bowels. |
34 | dizzy | having or involving a sensation of spinning around and losing one’s balance.![]() |
35 | covered pit | a large hidden hole in the ground. |
36 | linger | stay in a place longer than necessary because of a reluctance to leave. |
37 | evade | escape or avoid (someone or something) |
38 | shroud | cover or envelop so as to conceal from view. |
39 | staple food | a food eaten routinely or every day basis. |
40 | descend | move or fall downwards. go down.![]() |
41 | wield | hold and use (a weapon or tool). |
42 | boulder | a large rock.![]() |
43 | whine | give or make a long, high-pitched complaining cry or sound.![]() |
44 | unseemly | (of behaviour or actions) not proper or appropriate. |
45 | butt | (INFORMAL•NORTH AMERICAN) a person’s buttocks |
46 | stuck in | stick in: to become caught, lodged, or embedded inside of something. |
47 | embodiment | a tangible or visible form of an idea, quality, or feeling. |
48 | marrow | a soft fatty substance in the cavities of bones, in which blood cells are produced. e.g. marrow of your bones |
49 | orphan | a child whose parents are dead. |
50 | reassure | say or do something to remove the doubts or fears of (someone). |
51 | ward | guard; protect. |
52 | deceased | recently dead. |
53 | wisteria | a climbing shrub of the pea family, with hanging clusters of fragrant flowers, typically pale bluish-lilac in colour.![]() |
54 | crumble | break or fall apart into small fragments, especially as part of a process of deterioration. |
55 | rotten | suffering from decay.![]() |
56 | imperial family | the family of emperor of Japan |
57 | dynasty | /ˈdaɪ.nə.sti/ a line of hereditary rulers of a country. |
58 | torturous | characterized by, involving, or causing pain or suffering. |
59 | brat | a child, typically one that is badly behaved. |
60 | wept | weep: shed tears. |
61 | leap | jump or spring a long way, to a great height, or with great force.![]() |
62 | impervious | not allowing fluid to pass through. |
使用画像: Google Dictionary and https://unsplash.com/
今回の記事では、「鬼滅の刃 1巻」の英語版「Demon Slayer Vol. 1: Cruelty」を紹介しました。
- 構文は「易しい」
- 英単語は多読初級者には「少し難しい」
- 漫画特有で「すべて大文字表記」なので、慣れていないと読みづらい
多読初心者であれば、もう少し易しい児童書やGraded Readersで大量の語数をゲットすることをお勧めします。100万語~200万語読了した辺りから、この漫画レベルの英語も楽に読めるようになると思います。
英語版漫画で多読を始めてみる!鬼滅の刃 Demon Slayer


Veil Spaß!